Dear scientist colleagues,
The main duty of us academics is to conduct scientific research and to present our findings to the service of the scientific world and humanity in different media such as articles, books, congresses, projects and lectures. It is extremely important that we get financial and moral support from certain institutions while doing our work. It is inevitable that the budgets for activities such as large-budget research projects are financed by higher institutions. Although some support and resources are provided from time to time, it is extremely important that we academics do not act only with support / encouragement anxiety, completing our theoretical and applied studies in the most qualified form and always striving to publish them in different media such as articles, congresses and books. is important. Even though legislation and practices change, the immortality of qualified scientific studies and the fact that they only belong to their authors will never change. In this context, it is a fact that we continue our diligent scientific studies, both our contribution to our individual development as scientists, and the added value at the point of the development of our country. The fact that a study conducted today is outside the scope of any legislation does not mean that this study is scientifically insufficient, nor does it mean that all efforts for that study have been wasted and out of function. All scientific, intellectual and artistic works belong to their authors and they represent their authors by showing themselves as the product of their efforts in their authors' credentials and resumes. In particular, it is important not to accept scientific studies as exclusive to a country and to remember that the findings are brought to the world literature. All qualified work to be done with this motive will always remain valid.
I congratulate all my colleagues for their diligent work and wish them success in their academic life.
Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZTÜRK
İksad Scientific Board Chairman
As it is known, in our country, Associate Professorship and ACADEMIC INCENTIVE criteria are regulated by two different institutions (ÜAK and YÖK) with different regulations.
İKSAD CONGRESS: On the İKSAD Congress Platform ( ), besides the congresses organized directly by İKSAD, the promotions of the congresses organized by other institutions (such as universities, institutes, municipalities, scientific journals) are also made. We are looking for the condition that all congresses that we have published on our site comply with scientific ethical principles, be refereed and the referee process is meticulously carried out.
ASSOCIATION: All İKSAD Congresses have international accreditation . According to the UAK legislation, it meets all of the academic promotion criteria, including appointments to lecturers / lecturers, associate professors and professors.
ACADEMIC INCENTIVES: According to the Academic Incentive Regulation issued by YÖK on January 16, 2020, there are 5 conditions in 2 categories for a congress participant to benefit from the incentive, which is organized domestically or abroad.
CATEGORY 1: The condition that the congress must meet
- More than half of the papers presented at the congress are presented by foreign (non-Turkish citizens) participants
- Publishing a congress book with ISBN after the congress
- It must be at least 5 foreign participants from countries other than Turkey.
To illustrate with an example
A congress you attended abroad: Suppose you attend a congress in the United States where 100 papers were presented. If 10 of the papers presented at the congress were presented by Turkish citizens and 90 by American citizens, this congress cannot be used for incentives, since the papers presented by foreigners do not meet the requirement to be presented by participants from 5 different countries . However, these 90 papers meet the academic incentive criteria if presented by academicians from 5 different countries such as USA, Canada, Georgia, Russia, and China.
If 51% or more of the participants of the congress you attend abroad are Turkish citizens, you cannot benefit from academic incentives in any way. In other words, if 51 or more of the participants of a congress where 100 papers are presented in the example above are Turkish citizens, you cannot benefit from the academic incentive due to the congress participation.
A congress you attended in the country: Let's assume that you attended a congress in Ankara where 100 papers were presented. If 49 of the papers presented at the congress were presented by Turkish citizens and 51 by Azerbaijani citizens, this congress cannot be used for incentives, since the papers presented by foreigners do not meet the requirement to be presented by participants from 5 different countries . However, if these 51 papers were presented by academicians from 5 different countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia and Iran, they meet the academic incentive criteria .
If 51% or more of the participants of a congress you attend domestically are Turkish citizens, you cannot benefit from academic incentives in any way. In other words, if 51 or more of the participants of a congress where 100 papers are presented in the example above are Turkish citizens, you cannot benefit from the academic incentive due to the congress participation.
CATEGORY 2: Requirement for the participant
After participating in a congress that meets the above criteria, you can benefit from the incentive if both the following conditions are met.
- As a participant, you must apply to your institution with the FULL TEXT of the paper you have presented at the congress (must be published in the congress book with ISBN).
- Your institution (your university ) must have taken the decision of the senate / board of directors that it recognizes the congress you attended internationally. In other words, even if you have applied to your university by meeting all the conditions, you can benefit from the incentive if your university accepts the congress you attend internationally according to the current regulations .